
Gyp-Crete is a brand name of gypsum concrete and a registered trademark of Maxxon Corporation. The trademark has become a popularized term - similar to Kleenex - because of the prevalence of this product. Construction professionals and architects often use "gyp-crete" to describe any type of gypsum concrete.
Gyp-Crete is a gypsum concrete floor underlayment that is used in wood-frame and concrete construction for fire-ratings, sound reduction, radiant heating, and floor leveling. Gyp-Crete is installed only by companies approved by Maxxon Corporation.
Gyp-Crete was an instant success in the construction industry in the 1980s due to the many advantages over lightweight concrete. Specifically, Gyp-Crete didn’t shrink crack, was lightweight, and was fire-resistant.
Both the quality of installation and strength in terms of PSI have increased significantly since that time.
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