Great Googly Moogly

Great Googly Moogly is a phrase that has been used in popular music lyrics (particularly Rhythm & Blues) by various artists dating back to the 1950s.
Known examples include "Weird Al Yankovic's "Genius in France" (who borrowed it from Frank Zappa and used it as a parody of sorts in this tribute song to Frank Zappa), Frank Zappa's "Don't Eat the Yellow Snow" medley (1973), The Temptations' "Ball of Confusion" (1970), Howlin' Wolf's recording of St. Louis Jimmy Oden's ' (1962), and "Stranded in the Jungle" by The Cadets (1956). There is some evidence (unverified) of earlier uses by other musicians:
<blockquote style="font-style:italic;">At the very least, R&B legend Screamin' Jay Hawkins uttered it as an exuberant exclamation of extreme excitement in "Person to Person" (1957): the line in question finding SJH extolling his far-away (cheerbabe?) girlfriend to "bring your big fine foxy great googly moogly lord-look-at-that self on home." I’ve got some vague recollection that SJH used the phrase in other tunes - and I know Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper lovingly borrowed it on a track or two of their first few albums in the mid-1980s. --
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