2009 Fort Lee High School Transcript Scandal

On March 3, 2009, a scandal concerning the transcript records of the students of the Fort Lee High School has been discovered. The transcripts of students from 2003 to the current senior class was reported by Raymond Bandlow, the superintendent of schools of the Fort Lee School District, to have been tampered with. The Fort Lee Board of Education began its investigation of the scandal on March 4, 2009, and is currently attempting to ascertain as to who exactly was involved. It was reported that in some instances, grades were changed, and in others low grades were deleted.
Many students, whose transcripts were changed, were not informed of this change. Specifically, students of the class of 2009 have expressed their discontent and anger towards the scandal, due to the fact that the change of the transcript records could jeopardize their chances of being admitted to colleges. As a result, parents, citizens, and others have expressed their disappointment as well. A town hall meeting was held on March 4 in which parents and residents expressed their extreme discontent with the school administration in dealing with the scandal.
Current Investigation
The Fort Lee Board of Education has reported that more than one person was involved. Guidance counselors have been accused. Current action that has already been taken was the suspension of Fort Lee High School Principal, Jay Berman, pending the conclusion of the investigation. Frank Romano, the district’s assistant superintendent, has been named as acting principal.
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