
Sailorsing: Verb: To fail at the most inopportune time. Especially noticeable during sporting events such as pick-up basketball and intermural softball.

Sailorsing is said to be originated at the University of Kansas around the time of 2001-2005.


When a certain situation has two viable outcomes, when one "Sailorses" something, the worst of the two outcomes occurs. The term is more appropriate when, at first glance, the person competing looks as though he is capable of performing in a nerve-wrenching situation. For instance, if he spends time at the gym trying to build muscles to take attention away from multiple shoulder and stomach scars, one would think that he would have more athletic aptitude than a baboon in clutch situations. This, however, was not the case with the man responsible for the term "Sailorsing".


The term "Sailorsing" has it's root from an inhuman quality created in Perry, Kansas in 1983. These qualities include an extreme lack of clutchness, lack of self-awareness and total lack of self-respect. The full realization of the word was not recognized until 2001, when Sailors burst onto the scene at Mt. Oread. Sailorsing was witnessed campus-wide at bars, parties, classes and especially sporting events.

You Really Sailorsed That One

Perhaps no other phrase captures the extreme un-clutchness of one Daniel Gordon Sailors. Historians differ on who exactly coined the phrase, though over the years it has been attributed to several Delta Chi founders including Peter Schermerhorn Johnson, Monroe Marsh Sweetland and Casey Wright.

If one wants to truly "Sailors" a moment they must come up with their very worst at the very worst time. These instances can include:
(1) Dropping the worst pick-up line ever known to man. "If you would be my girlfriend, I would start smoking pot, drink more, and work out less."
(2) Saying the word "awesome" at least every other sentence.
(3) Making awful and unsubstantiated comments in the presence of strangers.
(4) Most importantly, choking in any sport known to man. BGD was known to Sailors wide open lay-ups in pick-up games every chance he got, especially when the game was on the line. Who can forget when he Sailorsed that can of corn, with 2 outs in the last inning, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in an important intramural softball game.
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