Great Commission Air

Great Commission Air, may be abbreviated as GCA or known as Great Commission Air, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), IRS tax deductible charity that is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It is run by a Board of Directors and it's stated purpose is to provide air transportation in remote areas for humanitarian relief and to support Christian missions. The
The organization was started in 2000 by Robert and Jennifer Rice. It has operated aircraft in remote parts of Guatemala since 2003, mostly Cessna U206 but also a Cessna 336 Skymaster. The base of operations is in a small village near the Mexican border and the clients are mostly all Mayan campesinos (subsistence farmers). Most flights provide emergency medical transportation from the small Mayan villages to larger towns where there is medical care available.
On July 31, 2008, an airplane belonging to Great Commission crashed in the mountains of Guatemala during a medical evacutation of two patients from a small town. A structural failure in one wing caused a rapid flap retraction during landing when the aircraft impacted steep terrain at a high rate of speed and was completely destroyed, nobody was injured.

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