Grande Loja Regular de Portugal

The Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal is one of several Masonic Grand Lodges in Portugal. It was created under a warrant from the Grande Loge Nationale Française by Decrees 762 and 763 of June 29, 1991. It was incorporated as a civil association under Portuguese law on July 15, 1991, on the official books of the 3rd Public Notary of Lisbon.
In the 1980s the Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF) set up a number of lodges in Portugal, and in 1991 it constituted that district into The Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal. In 1996 the Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal split into two rival factions, both claiming to be the "real" GLRP. The body going by the GLRP moniker is actually the smaller of the two, while the marginally larger one now calls itself the "Grande Loja Legal de Portugal/GLRP" (GLLP/GLRP).
Other Grand Lodges in Portugal
There are several other Masonic Grand bodies operating in Portugal besides GLRP and GLLP/GLRP. They are (in aproximate order of size): Grande Oriente Lusitano, Grande Loja Nacional Portuguesa (an offshoot from GLRP), and Casa Real dos Pedreiros Livres da Lusitânea (also an offshoot from GLRP).
Entre Colunas or "Between the Columns" is the GLRP magazine, which explores topics of general interest to the Masonic community.
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