Entre Colunas

Entre Colunas or "Between Columns" is a Portuguese Masonic magazine edited by the GLRP- Grande Loja Regular de Portugal which explores topics of general interest. Each issue features several full-length articles on Masonic history, as well as substantial Masonic news. The focus is mostly on the Portugal, however Masonic news from around the world is also presented.

Also featured are excellent book reviews. This magazine at once familiarizes us with the Universal Freemasonry as well as provides an ever-wider perspective into various mysteries of Masonic history. The writing is highly accurate and there is usually photography of equal standard.

The magazine Entre Colunas ascribes to the principles of Regular Masonry and remains neutral in terms of politics and religion. The magazine is distributed to over 270 libraries around the world.
This publication soon will be available through an online form on the website.

Carlos Penalva is the magazine's director.

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