Go Genre Everything (GGE) is an Australian music and media production outfit which became operational early in the 21st century. The live show generally consists of two performers - one who plays trapset drums and vox and keyboards and the other who performs guitar and vox. GGE also produce sound art and other recorded media. Touring Playing around the Melbourne region, GGE toured to New Zealand/Aotearoa for the second time in 2006, going from Dunedin to Auckland. Recordings Go Genre Everything record two types of material for release: hi-fi and lo-fi material Hi-fi is studio quality, studio recorded and mastered material, as of 2011 this material is released as the CD-albums "Eternal Youth Carefree Cleanness", "Natural Disaster" and the CD-EP "Competing Myths of Popular Unconsciousness" Lo-Fi is the home recording and field recording of Go Genre Everything music personnel.These recordings are exclusively available for subscribers from the Go Genre Everything web space. Sometimes some of the recordings from the Lo-Fi series are recorded onto a standard playable industrial music device format (such as compact disk, mp3, ogg-vorbis, audio cassette, vhs tape, dvd, etc) and released to the general public. Launches Go Genre Everything periodically hold launches ranging from badges to albums and more. These launches typically are of a spectacular design, usually involving a detailed theatrical element including dance, multimedia, and installation art. Subscription Go Genre Everything are unusual in that they offer an opportunity for supporters and fans to subscribe to Go Genre Everything, thus becoming a non-voting member of Go Genre Everything, which entitles the subscriber to access to the group's online database and thei artifacts and services at cost price or less. Fan recordings of live shows Go Genre Everything are one of the many music acts which delight in fans recording live events, especially if copies of the recordings are made available to Go Genre Everything. Peer-to-peer software and file sharing Go Genre Everything support peer-to-peer software and file sharing of their data by fans and subscribers.