
Glype proxy is a web-based proxy script written in PHP. The script allows developers to create a web-based proxy website, allowing people to bypass internet filtering by routing the internet through the script.

Glype has many added features over existing popular proxy scripts such as PHProxy. One notable feature of Glype is its modular plug-in system that allows custom plug-ins to be written for Glype to make a specific website work, JavaScript parsing support, Server side caching and flexible theme system. Another feature notable to Glype is the Admin Control Panel, that allows the site owner to configure and monitor the proxy. The Admin Control Panel can configure almost all of the features to a wide degree and includes thorough statistical information and customizable log viewing.

Glype website states the following:

* Plug and Play - no installation needed; simply upload and go!
* Admin Control Panel for easy management and configuration
* Server-side caching to improve speed for the end user, reduce load on your server and lighten the bandwidth bills
* Javascript support allows more sites to be browsed without loss of functionality
* Simple theme system to quickly customize your site
* Control access with the use of a whitelist or blacklist of permitted/banned sites
* Block users by IP with individual addresses or across over an IP range; protect your site from malicious or abusive users
* Unique URLs provide greater privacy - once your session expires, any URLs stored in your history are invalidated
* Plugins allow you to quickly integrate site-specific code; useful for sites unsupported by the base proxy script
* Virtual browser lets you choose your own user-agent and referrer, and even tunnel the connection through another proxy server
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