David Karle

David Edwin Karle (born on August 19, 1968) is asn American businessman, speechwriter, and ex-soldier.

He is most notable for helping lead Task Force Chinook in Iraq from April 2004 to April 2005. At the time, Staff Seargeant Karle was the senior field NCO for the 800 member 210th Iraqi National Guard Infantry Battalion. Upon his return to the United States he detailed the learnings of the Task Force in "Winning on the Ground" an article in Advising Foreign Forces: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Special Edition No. 06-01. January 06. Center of Army Lessons Learned (CALL). This publication is often referenced by senior leaders of the U.S. military in preparing warfighters to execute the surge strategies in Iraq.

For his service in Iraq he was awarded the Bronze Star, Army Commendation Medal(with Valor Device), and Combat Infantryman's Badge.
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