Gian Carlo Petraccaro

Gian Carlo Petraccaro (born 22 November 1962) is a film director from South Australia. He is usually called "Carlo Petraccaro", though he has received film credits as "Gian Carlo". He is best known as the screenwriter and director of the independent film Offside.
Early life
Carlo Petraccaro was born in Adelaide, the son of production line workers at GMH and Clipsal.
Carlo arrived at work early one morning during the 1991 crisis and, as a registered signatory, was required to sign thirteen individual cheques of AUD 99,000,000 Arts Around Adelaide in 1999, and Venice in 2000.
He was a member of the Board of the South Australian Media Resource Centre from 1997 to 1999.
In 2001, he acted as a consultant on Creamy Love, directed by Dick Dale.
In September 2009 he received funding from the South Australian Film Corporation to attend the 2009 SPAA Conference
After a dozen years spent making his own short films, Offside was shot in 2008 and released in 2009. It was also the first feature produced by Urtext Film Productions, an independent film company based in Adelaide, South Australia, which functions as a filmmakers co-op. The film was independently financed and shot in less than 30 days, with limited access to locations.
In 2010, Petraccaro appeared in 15/Love, directed by Stephanie Mountzouris, and acted as a consultant on Snapshots, directed by Chloe Gardner and I Rot, directed by Josef Weber.
In 2014, he assisted surrealist painter Andrew Baines produce the short fim Escape of the Corporate Battery Hen.
* Escape of the Corporate Battery Hen 2014
* Offside 2009
* Venice 2000
* Arts Around Adelaide 1999
* Connections 1999
* Angst 1998
* Search for the AntiChrist 1997
* Misplaced 1995
* 15/Love 2010
* Snapshots - Chloe Gardner (director) 2010
* I Rot - Josef Weber (director) 2010
* The Decayed - Josef Weber (director) 2009
* Creamy Love - Dick Dale (director) 2001
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