
Gaelcoin is a digital currency officially launched on the 7th of March 2014 as a cryptocurrency for The Republic of Ireland and the North of Ireland.
Gaelcoin is based on a fork of Litecoin.
Since its initial release in March the coin received criticism by members of the cryptocurrency community for having a higher difficulty set that most other currencies. The creator of Gaelcoin stated however that the difficult is high to avoid interest in the coin by pump and dump miners over inflating the value of the Gaelcoin Currency.
Since it's release Gaelcoin has been discussed and published in various news sites like The Guardian<ref nametgn/> and RT <ref namert/> for it's policy to give early adopters in Ireland 50 Free Gaelcoins. In a podcast interview by<ref name=tch/> the founder of Gaelcoin was asked why the Gaelcoin currency is different that all others crypto currencies out there on which he responded "Gaelcoin is different because it's a difficult coin to mine and has only 1% of premining, this is to avoid developers owning a controlling share of the currency."
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