Hi Sense Technology

Hi Sense Technology or HIS Technology is a Hypnosis technique which is seems to be similar to a Remote Influence Technique or Remote viewing Technique but its different in many ways. While the remote infulence Technique can be used between two individuals only, Hi Sense Technology is believed to be a Super Natural power and is connected with almost Everybody in the World. This Technique has been used at first In the year 2006 in a company called Hi Tech in Dubai,UAE. Even though it is not proven scientifically, it is being used worldwide very effectively for a supernatural connection between the Human beings. The center of point of this Technology is a person named Arise Rayamangalam who was working as an Engineer in Hi Tech that time.
The company was going through a very hard time as it was facing financial problems. While Nobody could do anything to bring the company up, He has thought of an idea to improve the performance of the employees to improve the company's state. But due to a conflict the employees started to shift in to two groups with Him at the center point. Both these groups become competing each other and started influencing Him. Since He was the center point one of the group has come up with a Technology/Technique to read His mind to predict His movements. They could read His mind and whatever things coming in to his mind using this Technology by making a remote connection with His mind. In HIS Technology the physical barriers for communication like proximity of a person, Language etc are irrelevant since anybody sitting in any corner of the World can understand the thoughts going through His mind and possibly influence it similar to Remote Influencing. But there are actually two types of communication in
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