Gabriela Pachia

Gabriela Pachia (born June 16, 1955) is a Romanian poet, essayist, literary critic and translator.

Life and career
Born in , Pachia graduated from the faculty of Philology-History at the (chief graduate in 1978, after receiving a scholarship in the UK, 1976). She taught English with a "first degree" in 1990 with the thesis on "The Triontic Approach to the Literary Character in the Romanian and American Contemporary Novel." She has taught in secondary and high schools (Secondary School No. 21 in TimiÅŸoara, The C. D. Loga National High School in TimiÅŸoara) and at the university level (1990 – 1993, as a lecturer in English Literature at the Faculty of Philology, in the West University of TimiÅŸoara). At present she teaches English at the Banat National High School in TimiÅŸoara. She is also a member of the editorial board of Anuarul de martie. She was awarded the "Gheorghe Lazăr Diploma" (2007) for her teaching, as well as the International Writer Certificate for Excellence by the Directory of International Writers on August 29, 1991. Her publication debut was in the review Orizont (TimiÅŸoara, The Romanian Writers' Union), XL, no. 13 (1152), March 31, 1989, p. 11 (poems).

She has contributed original poems and studies on the history and theory of literature, along with translations of poetry (Romanian and English), in a number of literary reviews: Albatrosul nisipurilor (Bechet), Anuarul de martie (TimiÅŸoara), Caietele Dacoromâniei (TimiÅŸoara), Caietele / Les Cahiers / Notebooks Tristan Tzara (), Gracious Light (New York), Logaritm (TimiÅŸoara), Lumina (Novi Sad), Orient latin (TimiÅŸoara), Orizont (TimiÅŸoara), Poezia (Iasi), Rostirea românească (TimiÅŸoara), TimÅŸah (TimiÅŸoara), and the web-reviews Agero (Stuttgart - and Noi, Nu! (

Critical commentary

:"The savour of the doublefold-innovating meanders of the lines through the grammar traps, standing as a dam built by the two profoundly European languages, resides in the versatile driving of the herds of verbs, adjectives, sacred formulae (Biblical / mundane), so that, fluttering on the top of the epic corn ear, 'the song will embrace the Earth / its life stepping onto death'"
::Mugur Marisianu, The Inspired Immuring of the Lyrical Ego in Ars Poetica in Anuarul de martie, II, no. 2, March 2007, pp. 70-71.

:"By means of her bilingual Antologii Loga de poezie românească – I – Ars poetica / The Loga Anthologies of Romanian Poetry – I – Ars Poetica, Gabriela Pachia finds the solution for twin problems ofthe lyrical thesaurus – the former concerns a fairer and larger circuit of the Romanian lyric poetry in the universal sight of the Logos, by an impeccable translation into English, a language admirably mastered by Gabriela Pachia, who perfected her studies in the UK as well; the latter refers to the didactic desideratum of achieving operational thematic anthologies, as in the case of the present 'ars poetica', the anthology authoress investigating the 19th and the 20th centuries, from (1866 – 1918), with his 1892 poem, The Poet and the Critic, to Ion Pachia Tatomirescu (b. 1947), the author of the striking paradoxist poem (dating from November 10, 1983), On the Condition of the Planetary Poem. Nevertheless, 'the nucleus' of the anthology is not represented by the inter-war generation of Tudor Arghezi (Mouldy Flowers) or Lucian Blaga (I Do Not Crush the World's Corolla of Wonders), but by the impressive generation of poetic resurrection from 1965 to 1970, whose landmark poets are: (b. 1930 / Poesia non muori), Petre Stoica (b. 1931 – A Casket of Snakes), (1933 – 1983 / Ars Poetica), (b. 1933 – Under the Glass of Several Words), Grigore Vieru (b. 1935 – The Harp), Marin Sorescu (1936 – 1996 / Burglars), Ioanid Romanescu (1937 – 1996 / To the Minister of Poetry), (b. 1941), Ana Blandiana (b. 1942), Marius Robescu (1943 – 1985)"
::Ioan Cârssia, Arte poetice, in Rostirea Românească, anul X, no. 7-8-9 / 10-11-12, July-August-September / October-November-December, 2004, p. 111.

:"Nourishing catharsis beams, in full harmony, authenticity, and “autarchy”, the “dichotomous” structure of Gabriela Pachia's cosmos in the volume Prizonier în fier / A Shackled Prisonnière ceaselessly entwines the flashes of lightning regarding "the ens'" / "the state" / "the soul" androgyny, within the ineffable antinomic "unit", "decided" by the "golden hemisphere", in semblance of "diamond", but also by the "iron hemisphere", embedding our "lifelong prisoner": "The verdigris nails paralysed / at the cardinal points of existence / tarnished the day's pores / to rancid green... / The air cleansed the tricorn of darkness, / photon by photon, / the bitterish shadows pushing floodgates open..." (Pictându-l pe Iisus / Painting Jesus). "The matter collapsing into itself" and resurrection owing to the spirit, through unstoppable flight, strains a new thread of thought in this volume: "Embroidering stems on time's canvas, / I harvest the budding flowerbeds of nacre, / I yield pomegranates to set sadness on edge, / Healing the grieving road / Whenever the gravitation shores crumble, / I burn the sawdust of rancorous rebellions, / Taming the stratosphere with blackbird ambrosia..." (Mâinile mele mă pierd / My Arms Dispel Me). In its basic hypostases – flint, limestone, silicon, the mineral and the plant kingdoms, hailstone / sleet, lightning, north wind, belladonna, crenellated castles, cobweb etc. – the "iron edge" metamorphoses, during powerful and subtle experiences, into polyphonic symbols: "pollen", "vervain", "love padlocks" / "luchetti d'amore", "marble", "fir tree", "the tree of knowledge", "Edelweiss flower", "crystal and lotus flower", "Carpathian arrow-rhymes", "photons" etc. As long as "ennobling the metallic order" – "the gold, silver, and copper man / offspring" –, like in Plato's Republic, preserves its sublime utopia / uchronia, due to the goldsmith-poetess, who rejoices beyond the distilleries of expressionism, in order to allow her irides to cherish the infinite gardens of paradoxism."
::Ioan Carssia, “Medusa Chains“ and the Sky's Papirus, preface to A Shackled Prisonnière by Gabriela Pachia, 2007

#Prizonier in fier / A Shackled Prisonnière, poems (bilingual edition: Romanian-English, the author's English version), TimiÅŸoara, Aethicus Publishing House, 2007 ISBN 978-973-85262-9-7
#Antologiile Loga de poezie românească / The Loga Anthologies of Romanian Poetry, Vol. I, Ars Poetica (Editor and translator into English), TimiÅŸoara, Aethicus Publishing House, 2003 ISBN 973-85261-6-7
#Ion Pachia Tatomirescu, Despre fructul curcubeului / On the Fruit of the Rainbow, TimiÅŸoara, Aethicus Publishing House, 2007 (Poetry, English version by Gabriela Pachia) ISBN 973-85262-4-8
#Ion Pachia Tatomirescu, Salmi – pentru „Premiul Nobel“ al rândunicilor / Salmes pour „Prix Nobel“ des hirondelles / Salms for „the Nobel Prize“ of the Swallows / Salms für „den Nobel Preis“ der Schwalben, TimiÅŸoara, Aethicus Publishing House, 2000 (English version by Gabriela Pachia) ISBN 973-97530-9-4
#Ion Pachia Tatomirescu, Regalianus' Dacoromania / Dacoromânia lui Regalian – The Independent State of Dacoromania (258 – 270), Founded by Regalianus, the Great Grandson of the Hero-King Decebalus, TimiÅŸoara, Aethicus Publishing House, 1998 (English version by Gabriela Pachia) ISBN 973-97529-3-4
#Ion Pachia Tatomirescu, The Tale of the Emperor in the Azure Mountains / Împăratul din MunÅ£ii de Azur, TimiÅŸoara, Aethicus Publishing House, 1996 (English version by Gabriela Pachia) ISBN 973-97529-1-8
#Ion Pachia Tatomirescu, Mihai Eminescu ÅŸi mitul etnogenezei dacoromâneÅŸti, TimiÅŸoara, Aethicus Publishing House, 1996 (English version by Gabriela Pachia) ISBN 973-97529-0-X
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