Gabe Medd

Trumpet player Gabe Medd was born May 5, 1991 in Coralville, Iowa. He is the son of jazz musician Rich Medd. Following in his fathers footsteps, Gabe began the trumpet at age three. He played his first jazz gig at the age of ten, and he has been performing on trumpet ever since. In the eighth grade, Gabe was introduced to the world taking third place in the National Trumpet Competition. Gabe is well known for his role in the Gibson/Baldwin Grammy Jazz Ensembles. He was also a member of the inaugural Jazz Band of America and Next Generation Jazz Orchestra. Gabe is also the first trumpet player to be accepted to the Frost School of Musics "Stamps Ensemble".
Favorite Musicians
Gabe has performed with many legends, of them these are his favorites. Mccoy Tyner, Adam Kromelow, Sam Selinger, Sean Jones, Wynton Marsalis, Javier Nero, Greg Chaplin and Emmet Cohen but he is perhaps most well known for his musical collaborations with 156-time-downbeat-student-music-award-winner, Chad Lefkowitz-Brown. Gabe has made it very clear that he will only perform with five drummers. , Ali Jackson, James "Jimmy" Macbride, Michael Piolet and Corey Fonville.
Gabe starred at Iowa City West High School, where he won numerous outstanding soloist awards at festivals throughout the country. At the 2006 and 2007 Iowa Jazz Championships, West High placed 2nd each year. After the 2007 event, Gabe managed to convince the band that performing was not about 'winning' anything. In 2008 and 2009, with a new and relaxed attitude, West High won back-to-back state championships. Although Gabe officially retired from the high school scene, there are rumors about him pulling a Brett Favre and coming out of retirement to lead his band yet again.
(Side note: Gabe still believes that music is not about whether you win or lose)
Gabe was reportedly seen at the 2008 Grammy Awards with Boy Meets World Star Danielle Fishel. There have been rumors of the two dating, thus the name "DABE". A combination of Danielle and Gabe. This relationship supposedly ruined his romantic life with partner, Nick Frenay, the only trumpeter to ever be accepted into the Gibson/Baldwin Grammy Jazz Ensembles at the age of 7.
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