
Is a Canadian multinational corporation which provides Internet-related products and services. It is the first search engine to provide support via Email, Phone, Text and Live chat. The company was founded by Marc Belisle.
The idea of a Search Engine with support came to Marc after working for Service Canada for a number of years. Clients would call and he was bounded by a Mandate that frustrated him because he could not fully help everyone.
In 2010 the idea came into action. To create a Search engine with support so anyone can use for free and get the assistance they need. He noted down all the ideas and created the site on sheets of white paper.
Marc called on Andy Pinait in May 2012 a trusted friend to help him create the site giving Andy a 10% sharehold of fuukit. The deal was Andy would create the site from all of marc's ideas and Marc would take care of all rest.
The official Launch
Fuukit went live on the internet on June 1st 2012. The site grew each day with questions coming from all over including: Brazil, Philippines, United States, UK, France, Hong Kong and many many more.
Whithin only 3 weeks of it's offcial launch Marc was contacted by a local newspaper called Metro News. The reporter Graham Lanktree made the article that was issued the next day. The Numbers continued to grow.
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