
Freakyclown is a hacker who has collaborated on several books and was one of the first people in the UK to be falsely arrested under the Computer Misuse Act.
Early life
Freakyclown grew up in Essex, England, moving around frequently and attending several schools.
After breaking into computers, Freakyclown quickly became hired to do penetration testing, working on government and military projects for many years, he has recently retired from penetration testing and now spends his days as a sysadmin for a small business, he also does some freelance work ranging from Computer Forensics to and website testing.
Freakyclown has been involved in several projects that have gone public, notably the Barclays pin sentry device (see external links) hacking. More information and other public projects can be found on his blog.
Conference Attendance
Freakyclown has given talks at several Con's including BrumCon, DEF CON4420. He frequently attends DEF CON4420 meetings as well as Linux User Group. Freakyclown has given talks on Image Forensics at Oggcamp 2010 and 2011.
Freakyclown is the co-author of The Gnu/Linux Command Line (an introduction)
Freakyclown was also the inspiration for a character called Toby Laurence in the Demonic fantasy book "Hell & Hugh Waters" by Saul Timothy, however this book was published in limited runs and does not have an ISBN number.
Freakyclown was credited by Tim Hurman, the author of a self-published paper on secure backups, for unspecified assistance.
Freakyclown has been referenced on BBC Radio 1, on Jo Whiley's show and providing inspiration for a two day event about the Brown note on Scott Mills's drive time show.
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