Fire Jenga

Fire Jenga is a non-commercial campsite game inspired by the popular stacking game Jenga. Players take turns attempting to place logs or other slow burning combustibles on a campfire, creating an increasingly taller and unstable tower. The game is over when the tower falls and the player who causes the collapse is deemed the loser. The consumption of alcohol is considered a game within the game, as it is common for the losing player to "chug" an alcoholic beverage as punishment. The game's objective is characterized by it's catch phrase (which it incidentally shares with it's board game cousin): "Light 'em, Stack 'em, Don't let 'em Topple. Drink if you do."
The creation of Fire Jenga dates back to 2007 at a "secret private campground" in Alberta, Canada. While the idea of giant towers of fire, or bonfires are not new, nor is the concept of stacking, Fire Jenga is considered the first variation of this basic premise to have a name and specific rules
What was originally a means of added warmth on a cold and rainy night for a particularly intoxicated group of campers at the secret campground slowly evolved into the first documented game of Fire Jenga as the night went on. As the campers took joy in adding onto the burning tower, they quickly discovered they had ran out of chopped logs to add, so, in their drunken state, decided to take logs already in the middle and bottom of the stack, while very much still on fire, and place them on top, much like the game Jenga to which the game is in tribute to.
Fire Jenga had since become a tradition every year at the secret campground, and through word of mouth and social networking, the game is slowly beginning to build in popularity.
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