Man bash

The term Man Bash is used to describe a gathering, whereby a group, comprised typically of 5-10 males, come together and participate in activities such as poker, the playing of game consoles and the watching of television programmes/films.


The 'Man Bash' was first formulated in November 2007 by a group of students at Chenderit School in Middleton Cheney. Generally, the following people are considered founding members (though it is debated whether those who were at the first Man Bash but did not play a part in the creation of the concept should be regarded as 'founding' members):

- John Gale

- Pete McNally

- Ben Layzell

- Matt the knees Smith

- James Colonel Jackson

- Tom Garrood

- Terry the often at school Chylton

- Alec the Walter Stageman

(It should be noted that, despite being of a female disposition, Danielle Edwards was also present at the original Man Bash and was considered an honorary member after some controversy and debate)

The original Man Bash took place in the first week of December 2007 at a secret location in Marston St Lawrence. Said location now has the honor of being named Man Bash Central.

The Man Bash follows a relatively simple schedule. Beforehand, the place at which the Man Bash is set to take place is properly organized and arranged to create optimum Man Bashing. Attendants generally arrive early evening and the Man Bash generally lasts until late night.

The 4 main aspects of Man Bashing are: Poker, Games, TV/Film and general Manchat. However, these may be subject to some minor changes, as long as said changes do not alter the fundamental aspects of the Manbash atmosphere, or Manbashosphere.

Variations of the Man Bash may be held, as long as distinctions between the variation and the original are clear and recognised.
For example, Man Bash Quiz Night typically involves 4-6 males playing quiz games, such as University Challenge board game, trivial pursuit etc...
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