Finger in the Door Productions

Finger in the Door Productions is a film, television and theatre production company based in Dubai, UAE.
The company history began with theatre production in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Their first play being the Eve Ensler Play the . Finger in the Door Productions was responsible for bringing this risque play to the Harare International festival of the Arts (HIFA) in 2005. Sarah Kilalea documented the occasion.
After debuting the play in Zimbabwe, Finger in the Door took the play around Mozambique, Botswana and Namibia, collaborating with local womens groups and facilitating HIV/AIDS and female empowerment workshops in collaboration with Hivos and Mama Cash.
Their latest endeavor is Arabia to Africa the story of the production company founders Sarah Kilalea and Martin Leahy driving all the way from Dubai to Capetown in this 8 part television series with no support crew.
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