Everyday Sunshine

Everyday Sunshine is a documentary film about the band Fishbone by filmmakers Lev Anderson and Chris Metzler

Everyday Sunshine is an in-production film about Fishbone, one of the most influential, if underrated, American bands of the past 25 years.

From the tumultuous streets of South Central Los Angeles and the competitive Hollywood music scene of the 1980’s, these young African-Americans rose to prominence only to suffer setbacks right when they were on the verge of “making it.” They lost a member to the ravages of undiagnosed mental illness and soon, shifting line-ups, financial woes, and a failed marriage nearly buried the band completely. Determined to stick with their unique mash-up of musical styles that reflects their diverse experiences, they remain fiercely individual in their quest to reclaim their place in contemporary music while debunking the myths of the young Black man from urban America.

Everyday Sunshine traces the band’s past and present, while providing a comprehensive view of the historical and cultural forces that gave rise to a legendary Black Punk Rock, Funk, Ska, Metal, Reggae, and R&B band from Los Angeles that continues to defy conventional categories and expectations.
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