Entharion the Wise

Entharion the Wise is a fictional character from the Zork universe. Entharion the Wise founded the kingdom of Quendor and the Entharion Dynasty in 1 AE.

Entharion united the rival city-states of Galepath and Mareilon and many other warring tribes to form Quendor. He personally resolved a dispute between the leaders of Galepath and Marelion in 0 AE saying, “Why fight?”, the bit of wisdom which earned him his moniker. Both leaders also decided to turn over their realms to him in what became the province of Frobozz. The rest of the Westlands soon submitted to his rule as well, creating the territory of Quendor as it would remain until its massive expansion under Duncanthrax the Bellicose.

Ironically, Entharion’s nickname is ill-deserved as timetravel would later reveal that his vocabulary was quite limited and the famous “Why fight” was actually one of the most complex phrases he ever uttered.

Magic was also invented during the rein of Entharion, although the Enchanter’s Guild would not be founded until the use of magic was banned by Duncanthrax.

Entharion build the capital and castle at Largoneth, a city equidistant from Galepath and Mareilon. The capital would remain there for the entire Entharion Dynasty until being moved to Egreth by Duncanthrax.

Entharion also eradicated Grues from Quendor with his legendary blade Grueslayer. Grues that remained retreated to dark pits under the "Earth" where they remained until the adventurer of Zork Zero inadvertently released them with a well-placed pit bomb, invented by Thomas Alva Flathead. The sheath of Grueslayer, however, would later be used by the adventurer in Beyond Zork to easily defeat the Ur-grue's grues and retrieve the Coconut of Quendor.
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