Enter Within

Enter Within is a short film directed by Sam Beckman and produced by Patrick Jones. It won Best Picture at the Rev Short Film Festival in 2008, marking the first win for a thriller/horror themed film.
Ryan is a struggling male who decides someone is following him. Through a series of twists and turns, we find out if Ryan's supposed stalker is true, or if it is part of his imagination.
Plot Outline
The film begins with Ryan (Stephen Karas) lying on an Autopsy table. We see a surgeon (Patrick Jones) preparing to operate. As he progresses, we see him pull out a circular saw and bring it close to Ryan's body. Ryan awakes suddenly, and then it cuts to the opening title.
We then see Ryan running in an underground carpark, trying to find a way out. He finally see's a large bright light at the end of the carpark, and runs towards it.
Ryan arrives at home and frantically shuts the front door. We then follow him as abnormal things begin to occur to him, although continually appear as if he is imagining it.
We flash in and out of Ryan's conversations with his counselor Dr. Christie (David Bakunowicz). Here Ryan talks about how he feels people are following him, and Dr. Christie supplies to tablets to supposedly calm himself.
As we flash forward to current time, Ryan hears a knock at the door and as he goes to answer it, he is knocked out.
The ending is then revealed.
Best Picture at the Rev Film Festival 2008.
A poster were placed on Facebook.
Then 1 teaser trailer appeared online, revealing the some of the autopsy scene, and showing a few other shots of Ryan's predicament.
After the release, the final trailer was aired online giving more insight into the plot.
The film was received quite positively from reviews. Most said that although they were frightened at most points, they saw the hard work Sam and Pat had put in, and really respected the outcome.
Other's plainly saw it as a great and enjoyable watch, with a very Saw feel.

The film was almost not accepted into the Rev Film Festival due to its horror themes. Luckily, an exception was made, allowing the film to be entered, and ironically, won the competition.
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