
Enquesta is the online quizzing event organized by IIT Roorkee during Cognizance, the tech fest of IIT Roorkee. A three day long competition, it attracted a record participation of over 25,000 students in 2009, making Enquesta '09 one of the biggest online tech-quizzes in India. It has six different sections, namely, General Knowledge, Mathematics, Engineering, Coding, Hacking and Mental Ability. Enquesta '10 is billed to kick off on 10th February 2010. There are no pre-requisites for participating in Enquesta, other than that the participant should have registered at the Cognizance 2010 website.
Event Structure
The Mathematics, Coding, Engineering and Hacking sections of the quiz have been nicknamed 'Mathematiques', 'Koding', 'Engineria' and 'Access Denied', respectively. Mathematiques, General Knowledge, Mental Ability and Koding all have a two level pattern, where the best teams are chosen after level one and are pitted against each other in level two. Engineria has a single level and Access Denied has a multiple level pattern where the participant has to solve, or 'hack', through each level to get to the next. The events primarily consist of multiple choice questions which the participant is expected to solve within a given time limit.
General Knowledge
Level One
Questions are from 7 distinct fields, viz. politics, sports, history, geography, business, astronomy and current affairs and each team has to select a minimum of 3 topics to answer questions from. Each team is then given 7 minutes in which they can attempt any number of questions. Marking is done based on the number of fields chosen by a team. A correct answer is rewarded with a minimum of 5 points, with one extra point being awarded per extra field (over and above the three minimum) chosen. An incorrect answer, on the other hand, results in negative marking to the scale of half of the maximum possible points attainable per question. The top teams from this level will be short listed for level two.
Level Two
This level includes questions from any possible field and each participant will have 30 seconds to answer each question. A total of 25 questions will be given to a team. Points will be awarded on the basis of the time left on each question and incorrect answers will result in a point being deducted from the score. The winners are decided solely on the basis of the performance in this level.
Level One
A 'turn' is defined as a series of questions answered correctly, terminating when a question is answered wrongly. Each team is allowed a maximum of 7 turns, but can answer any number of questions. Each question has to solved within 60 seconds. Each correct answer is awarded 3 points and each incorrect answer results in a point reduction. The top teams are short listed for Level Two.
Level Two
The starting question has to be done within 60 seconds. The initial question will award 3 points for a correct answer and -1 points for a wrong answer. For each correct answer, the points value of the next question increases by one and the time decreases by five seconds. On the other hand, an incorrect answer reduces the value of the next question by one point and the time increases by five seconds. However, there is a cap on the maximum time available to solve a question: 60 seconds. The quiz continues till a team answers 10 questions incorrectly. The top teams are chosen solely on the basis of Level Two scores.
Level One
Here, each 'turn' is defined as a set of 5 questions and each team is allowed a maximum of 5 turns. The team gets to choose the difficulty level of questions in each turn, viz. Easy, Moderate and Difficult. The marking scheme for the three different levels is (+3,-1), (+5,-2) and (+7, -3) respectively.
Level Two
This level is a four hour long coding marathon in which the selected teams will have to make four different programs. Each team is graded on the basis of the Output (50 marks), Logic (20 marks), Source (20 marks) and Documentation (10 marks) of the programs. Prizes are decided solely on the basis of Level Two scores.
Questions in this section will be asked from various engineering branches, like:
*Computer Science
Each participant gets 25 questions to answer and each question will have a time limit of 45 seconds. Each correct answer receives five points and each incorrect one results in a decrease of two points. On answering three consecutive questions correctly, the participant is given a bonus question with no negative marking!
Access Denied
This event will run for a particular time interval. The only link provided will be that for Level One. From then, the participants will have to move from page to page using the clues given on each level using their hacking aptitude. The participant who traverses all the pages will be declared the winner. If no one is able to complete al levels, then the one who has cracked the maximum number of levels will be declared the winner.

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