English Ranger Association

The English Ranger Association is a membership organisation open to anyone working or volunteering as Rangers or Wardens in England (or used to be fulltime Rangers or Wardens) or anyone who wants to support the work of Rangers and Wardens.
Formed on the 1st January 2007, The English Ranger Association (ERA) is the voice of the Rangers, Wardens and Volunteers who dedicate themselves to the protection of the English Countryside and Urban Green Space.
'Rangers' or 'Wardens' are the people who not only carry out the protection of habitats and species, they also are educators and interpreters of the natural world and have the role of managing the balance between the provision of recreational opportunities and the integrity of the environment.
One of ERA's key tasks is to promote the role of the Ranger both in the UK and throughout the World and does this by working in partnership with organisations such as the International Ranger Federation
Another role is to lobby both local and national decision makers to ensure that the advice from 'field level' staff is considered when decisions about the future of the environment are made.
ERA provides networking opportunities through organising training events and site study visits for those Rangers who want to develop their skills and knowledge further. These are attended by both full-time staff and Volunteer Rangers.
In order to encourage more young people to take up 'Rangering' as a career choice ERA encourages its members to offer help, advice and experience to students and graduates.
The English Ranger Association also welcomes support from the general public
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