Ellis Island: The Making of A Master Race in America (2018)

Ellis Island: The Making of a Master Race in America (2018) is a documentary film directed by U.S Fulbright Scholar and CUNY Film Professor. Robert Tutak , The film examines the influence of eugenics in U.S immigration policies in the early of 20th century and beyond. The film documents U.S human rights violations against immigrants who passed through Ellis Island. The filmmaker also shines light on U.S eugenicists who inspired Hitler to commit history's darkest genocide against humanity. The film first screened in Cannes Film Festival, 2017 at Docu Corner, it's U.S premier was in New York City in March, 2018 at the Socially Relevant Film Festival., It was also screened in Poland at Krakow International Film Market,
Ellis Island: Making of a Master Race in America is considered a historical document and available to most of U.S Libraries.
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