Elizabeth Shenton

Elizabeth Shenton was the Liberal Democrat candidate in the Crewe and Nantwich by-election, 2008, in the United Kingdom. She is a councillor in Newcastle-under-Lyme in Staffordshire.

Shenton worked for Natwest between 1983 and 2006, working for the Royal Bank of Scotland from 2000 when Natwest became a part of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group. In this post, she was director of the RBS Group Pension Board and chair of the European Staff Council. She was a member of trade unions for 25 years where she also played a leading role in ensuring effective trade union representation for staff through national negotiations on behalf of thousands of staff.

Shenton was active in trade unions from when she joined NatWest in 1983. She first became an Office Representative and then an Area Representative of the Natwest Staff Association. In 1999, she became the first part-time chairperson of the NatWest National Committee, the representative committee of the former NatWest Staff Association, which had recently merged into the trade union UNIFI. While working as a clerk in Newcastle-under-Lyme in 2001, she was constantly in touch with Royal Bank of Scotland managers over the consequences of the Natwest merger.

In May 2006, she was elected as the Councillor for the Town Ward of Newcastle Borough Council, defeating long-term Labour incumbent Nobby Clarke by 211 votes. She currently sits on the Planning, Audit and Risk, and Overview and Scrutiny Transformation Committees as well as chairing the Audit Committee.

Personal interests
Elizabeth has a keen interest in volunteering and fundraising. She has worked with animal welfare and community groups and, in 2005, she founded and chaired a local community group to raise money to improve the derelict Lyme Valley Parkway. Over £630,000 was raised, providing an events arena, play areas, ball courts, improved lighting and a cycle route. For thirteen years, she has been an independent custody visitor, ever since the scheme was first introduced. On her Facebook page, she lists some of her personal interests as: "making hand-made greetings cards", "cats", and "visiting farmers markets".

Notes and references

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