El chapo grande

"El Chapo Grande" has such translations as "The Big Chap" and is a title additionally given to a spanish convict, this however has nothing to do with the real meaning of the phrase.
El Chapo Grande refers to a knockout game of Dominoes. It differs from classical Dominoes rules in that all Dominoes are dealt, usually to a large group of people. The highest Double is always played first, and the last to play in each game is 'Knocked out'.
The dominoes are re-dealt every round until only 2 people remain. All the dominoes are dealt even in this final round and thus both players know their opponents hand.
The winner is given the title "El Chapo Grande"
The term "To Chap" refers to the action of hitting ones dominoes against the table to signify ones inability to play any of their hand in the current state of play. The title plays on the double meaning of chap as the action, and also the slang CHAP, meaning a fellow.
El Chapo Grande could also be seen as a parody of the spanish lottery El Gordo
If a deadlock is achieved - so that none of the remaining players are able to play their hand, then the player with the highest count of their remaining dominoes is "knocked out".
El Chapo Grande is the yearly Domino tournament held at Nancy Shank's house in the Clarkston area of Airdrie. The tournament includes members of the Shanks, Harpers, Robertson, Mill and Muller families.
The current holder of the coveted T-Shirt trophy is David Harper the "El Chapo Grande" as it were. Past winners include Lorna Mill (two time winner) Katie Shanks and the former champion Mateja Muller.
Every New Years days just after dinner the contestants take their position at the "Kiddies" table to begin the tournament. The stadium being called G.R.A.N.D.M.A.S. (Grand Royal All National Domino Media Arena Stadium). The players then take it in turns to pick dominoes, the one picking the double six being the one to start the game and tournament. Because of the addition of a second set of dominoes one double six is removed before this procedure. The tournament then begins on an elimination basis with a player being eliminated each round until only the Chapo Grande remains. The coveted prize T-Shirt is then given to the winner at an official ceremony at G.R.A.N.D.M.A.S weekend away, with Kate Shanks being the hand over judge.
History of El Chapo Grande
There is great mystery and myth on the orgins of the game; who first introduced the concept, who perhaps encouraged the hype and ingma sourounding the game.
These unknown "founders", although responsible for the initilisation, can not be held independently responisble for the chain reaction that is the infamous "Theory of realtives to GranShanks") which propogated the game in to a worldwide, as serious as life or death, alcahole associated, sponsored by dominoes pizza (buy one for the price of two Tuesday), if its not a double six im not interested, EL CHAPO GRANDE TOURNAMENT.
The first offical game, which is dated on the Trademark T-shirts, took place in the year 2005. There has been a game every year since.
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