Dylan Reichstadt

Dylan Robert Reichstadt (Born February 28, 1992 in Maplewood, Minnesota) is both a Lifecaster and an inspiring actor, who broadcasts his life on the Internet via Justin.tv as Dylanlive. Reichstadt carries a web camera around with him wherever he goes, either around the house or out in public, giving people a real time view of his day-to-day life. Reichstadt's first broadcast began on October 15, 2007.
Early life
Reichstadt attends Park High School in Cottage Grove, Minnesota and until the 2009-2010 school year, had a role in every theater production the school offered. In 2009, he shifted his focus towards Broadcast Journalism, working with the schools television program, and becoming president of Park News Network
Reichstadt frequently watched Justin Kan and Justine Ezarik's Lifecast, and decided that he wanted to use an Internet web camera to broadcast his life as a suburban teenager. On October 15, 2007 he started his broadcasting channel on Justin.tv.
After acquiring Nick Consone (http://nickconsone.com) as a sponsor in early 2008, Reichstadt took a step to his goal of full time Internet Lifecast broadcasting. With a new laptop and mobile internet capability, he was able to capture life outside of his house using a camera resting on his shoulder.
In October of the same year, he leaped dramatically forward in his goal of nearly full-time lifecasting. With help from Justin Kan, and design from his father, the Hat Cam was built. The Hat Cam gives audiences the true ability to see through the eyes of Reichstadt when he is away from his home computer.
In November 2008, Reichstadt's Lifecast was picked up by local and regional press. He has been written about in his local newspaper , and by Minneapolis City Pages. On December 18, 2008 he was interviewed by NBC's KARE 11 TV. At one point the lifecast had received over 2,900 viewers at one time. With justin.tv finding it place in mainstream social media , sponsors Jams Bio, Calas Pizzaria, and Telestream became interested in working with him to promote their products via his lifecast.
At the age of eighteen, Reichstadt has held a number of different professional positions stemming from his live Internet broadcasting. He has worked with 50 Records, does freelance video projects and is a community support volunteer on Justin.tv
As of today, Reichstadt's Lifecast has now over two-million views and over five-thousand registered fans.
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