

DonorDirect, Inc. is a software supply company that provides donor management software for faith-based nonprofit organizations. Started in 1999, DonorDirect works in a niche market to provide donor management systems, CRM systems, and an integrated financial solution.

In 2000, DonorDirect created its first version of the software system call DirectToDonor. DirectToDonor provides donor management, product sales, missionary accounting, magazine subscriptions, event registration, media analysis, and inventory control. Built on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne platform, DirectToDonor integrates with the EnterpriseOne General Ledger, AP, Fixed Assets, and Inventory.

DonorDirect also offers a CRM application based on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system called DirectToCRM. DirectToCRM integrates with enterprise donor management systems to provide a 360 degree view into current and prospective donors. This solution increases inherent MS CRM functionality of creating personal communications, tracking contacts, and presenting results. It also allows email campaigns, constituent history, and mobile connectivity via smart phone or PDA. In May 2008, DonorDirect released DirectToCRM Version 2.0.

Some current customers of DonorDirect are Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Samaritan's Purse, Focus on the Family, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Crystal Cathedral.

Based in Richardson, Texas, DonorDirect has customers in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Africa.



Global Software press release
Jigsaw Company Information
MacRae's Business Directory Company Profile
Microsoft and DonorDirect Partnership
ABWE and DonorDirect Partnership
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