Dogs Life Info

This is some information about the PS2 game Dogs life. This is only a bit of miner info, if you want to find out about the actual game rather than about a few things in the levels, go to the page for the game (under 'see also',) or go to the dogs life website.

Local Dogs

In each area of the game, there is a local dog that can help Jake by doing a challenge that he cannot do. This might be anything from being small enough to fit through a cat flap to being able to run fast or jump high. To be able to take controll of these dogs, Jake will have to beat them in a challenge. First, he must have a higher bone status than the other dog. If Jake has more bones than the other dog, it is very likely that he will win. If the other dog has more bones than Jake, it will be very hard to beat them, and if you do manage to beat them, some will be very hard to controll (such as, they will not go in the direction you want them to.) Next, Jake will have to find eight scents of a certain colour. Each challenge has it's own colour of scents, and in each area, there are two of these challenges. Once you have collected the scents, the challenge will begin. If you beat the other dog, you can take controll of them, and use their (almost) unique ability to get a bone. If you didn't beat them, don't worry, just collect a few more bones and try again.


Farmhouse:Lopez- Chihuahua
Big Field:Sheepdog/Border Collie
Chicken Farm: Pug
Village Houses: Snooki- Pekinese
Centre: The dog catchers Doberman


Lake Miniwahwah

Ski Slope: Weimaraner
High Street:Husky
Mountain Tops: Bernese Mountain Dog
Mountain Slide:St Bernard
Hotel: Pixie FrouFrou-Miniature Pinscher


Boom City

Station:German Shepherd
Centre: Greyhound
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