
dmurawski, also known as Derek Murawski, was born on June 29, 1991. He is a YouTube partner and has gained fame through his short, humorous videos. These videos often times educate the public on such topics as Britney Spears, internet movements, and pop culture. His videos have collectively garnered more than 750,000 views, and his channel page has viewed 100,000 times.

Early Life
Born in the Twin Cities, Murawski grew up around a loving and supporting family. From a young age, he loved to entertain his peers and aspired to be a comedian.
As he grew older, he searched for ways to make his dreams realities. With his newly purchased Apple iMac, he started to make videos on YouTube.

High School
Upon his entrance into high school, he was forced to fight off peer pressure and negative behavior. Half way through the year, he was introduced to the Speech team at his high school, where he entered into the interpretive category of Humorous. With a nationally respected coach, he drove through the barriers of competitive speaking. In his sophomore year he qualified as 3rd alternate to the MSHSL State Tournament. He made it to semi-finals in Humorous expression at the 2008 NFL Qualifiers tournament. He has also participated in theatre throughout his life.
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