Dirty Movie

Dirty Movie is a 2008 indendently produced film starring Chris Meloni, Robert Klein and Mario Cantone directed by Christopher Meloni and Jerry Daigle and produced and written by Alan Donnes.
The film tells the tale of a outrageous cut-rate producer (Meloni) who wants to make the greatest comedy movie ever made. Robert Klein plays the CEO of the former heavyweight comedy company gone dry due to losing its comedy "chops". Mario Cantone plays an artistic director who doesn't quite share in the outrageous sentiment going on around him. Numerous celebrity cameos abound as the wacky movie-within-a-movie comes together.
*Christopher Meloni as the Producer.
*Robert Klein as the CEO.
*Mario Cantone as the Director.
Production and Release
Filmed in New York City and Cornwall Bridge, CT in 2007/2008.
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