Demonstealer Records

Demonstealer Records (also known as DSR) is an independent record label based in Mumbai, India.
DSR’s unofficial releases include the Demonic Resurrection debut album ‘Demonstealer’, Reptilian Death’s ‘Total Annihilation’ and the ‘Resurrection’ Compilation. Backed by Barcode Entertainment and Demonic Studios, DSR officially launched itself with the release of Demonic Resurrection’s latest album, ‘A Darkness Descends’.
DSR has successfully launched the albums of many Indian metal bands like Bhayanak Maut, Scribe, Exhumation, Narsil, Acrid Semblance etc. DSR has also been successful in releasing non Indian bands like Behemoth and Warface.
In May 2011 Demonstealer Records announced the shutting of its label on its Facebook page.
Current roster
*Demonic Resurrection
*Severe Dementia
*The Demonstealer
Past artists
*Acrid Semblance
*Amidst the Chaos
*Bhayanak Maut
*Reptilian Death
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