Deliverance at Hand

"Deliverance at Hand!" was a series of worldwide conventions staged by Jehovah's Witnesses in 155 countries in 2006 and 2007.


In the contiguous United States - the Witnesses list Alaska and Hawaii as separate lands - the Witnesses staged 266 conventions in 73 cities. The first conventions were held from May 26 to May 28; the last was held September 8 to September 10.

Shortly afterwards, conventions were held in Canada, Australia, Great Britain and in many other countries. As usual, the convention program was translated into many languages.


On the first day, a new book was released. The second day saw the baptism of new converts who had qualified to be ordained as new ministers. The third day saw a drama based on the thirteenth chapter of 1 Kings.

Special conventions

On July 21 to July 23, a series of five special conventions were held in Germany, in the cities of Dortmund, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig and Munich. Peak convention attendance was 207,089. 1,621 new converts were baptized at these conventions, the most being 504 at Dortmund. The conventions attracted delegates from around the world; the convention program was translated into 17 languages, including sign language.

The following weekend, a special convention was held in Prague, Czech Republic; 148 were baptized. The next weekend, special conventions were held in Katowice and , Poland. 574 were baptized at Katowice.
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