DataShackle Framework

DataShackle Framework
The DataShackle Framework is a framework of .NET base class libraries that access MS Sql Server Datbases. The framework is somewhat similar to the Datasets in ADO.NET developed by Microsoft but with less overhead by removing unnecessary properties and methods. This framework was designed and developed in 2006. In 2009, this was enhanced to inject several new features that are available in the .NET framework 2.0 like the application of Generics. The framework contains three main types of classes namely the DataShackleManager, the DataShackleUnit, and the DataShackle.
DataShackleManager Class
This class is where all data manipulations and retrieval are being implemented. This is somewhat similar to the SqlDataAdapter class in ADO.NET. First and foremost, this class inherits from the DBConnection class where the connection to the database is being maintained. In terms of retrieval, all properties used for filtering records are defined in this class. All SqlCommand objects (Get, Set, and Delete) that calls the stored procedures are defined in this class. For Transaction classes, another type of DataShackleManager class was designed. The DataShackleTransManager is the class specifically built as a base class for these kinds of classes.
DataShackleUnit Class
This class is the actual container of a specific record. This is somewhat similar to the DataRow class in ADO.NET. Although this pertains to a record, this can have child items also called LineItems. These LineItems property is normally used in Transactional Classes where Transaction Header-Detail is implemented. For transaction classes, a special abstract class called the DataShackleTransUnit, is used as a base class.
DataShackle Class
This class is simply a collection of DataShackleUnits. This is somewhat similar to the DataTable class in ADO.NET. For transaction classes, a special abstract class called the DataShackleTrans is used.
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