
JustMock is a framework for used for creation mock objects to be used in .NET unit tests. JustMock is developed by Telerik and was launched in 2010. JustMock has two editions, JustMock Lite (free) and JustMock (commercial).
Telerik JustMock is used to create mock objects and to set expectations independently of external dependencies like databases, web service calls, or proprietary code. JustMock allows for mocking dependencies in .NET code (see full list of Features below) in one API.
The JustMock API is AAA (Arrange/Act/Assert) oriented which makes unit tests structured, clean and readable. All mocks follow the same AAA pattern. You first configure what should be mocked (Arrange), then call the methods or properties of the object (Act), and finally check the results of the action against expected values (Assert).
Some of the features of JustMock are:
*Test objects and behaviors independently - fake dependencies like databases, web service calls, proprietary code
*Arrange/Act/Assert syntax - for readable and organized unit tests
*Mock objects supported
**JustMock Lite and JustMock
***Virtual Methods
***Strict and Loose Mocking
***Asserting Behavior
***Argument Matching and Ignoring
***Sequential Mocking
***Recursive Mocking
***MSCorLib classes and members
***Sealed classes
***Static classes, methods, and properties
***Non-virtual methods and properties
***Non-public members and types
***LINQ queries
***SharePoint Mocking
*Auto mocking - allows for creating an instance of a class (the system under test) without having to explicitly create each individual dependency as a unique mock. The mocked dependencies are still available if methods or properties need to be arranged as part of the test.
*Hybrid mode - only use elevated mocking (via the profiler) when necessary (i.e. mocking final, sealed and static)
*Support for Visual Studio
**Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
**Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
**Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
*Support for code coverage tools, profilers, unit testing add-ins, build tools
**JetBrains dotTrace - Telerik JustMock supports JetBrains dotTrace version 3.1 and above.
**PostSharp - for version and above
Telerik's JustMock has two license models.
* JustMock Lite
** Free to use for non-profiled mocking
* JustMock
** Commercially licensed
** Fully supports elevated mocking
** Includes Build Server license
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