
QAliber is a GUI test automation set of tools for testing web and desktop applications under Microsoft Windows operating system.
It is composed of 2 main tools:
* QAliber Test Developer: A plug-in to Microsoft Visual Studio which allows you to quickly build automation in C-sharp or VB.NET, it uses the strength of the IDE with addition of a UI control browser, a record/play capabilities and a set of libraries that ease the development of UI actions & verifications.
* QAliber Test Builder: A test automation framework that allows you to compose complicated test scenarios, with no coding skills. It has a repository of many small building blocks (e.g. Click Mouse) which can be configured in a user friendly UI.
It appears no further development is in progress and the web site is dead.
The methodology behind these tools is that in an agile development environment the developer creates using the QAliber Test Developer small building blocks much like Unit testing to cover the system tests of his developed features, which later can be integrated and composed into a complex test scenario by a person without coding skills which uses only the QAliber Test Builder interface.
It is free under GPL, has good for agile projects and has fast automation creation.
Web automation supports only Internet Explorer with one visible page (WatiN integration solved this issue).
It has only partial support for Flex, Silverlight, and WPF.
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