Darwin Era

The Darwin Era is a non-religious calendar based on science and reason. Compared with the traditional Gregorian calendar the Darwin Era calendar has two major differences:
* The year zero is the year when Charles Darwin published his famous work On the Origin of Species
* Instead of remembering saints or other holy events the Darwin Era mentions scientific events for example astronomical) and remembrance days of famous scientists
This calendar project has been published by by darwinera.org, a non-profit organisation,
at 1st of January 2009 which is equivalent to DE+150 because the Gregorian year 2009 is the 150th anniversary of the publication of Darwin's work.
The publication year of Darwin's On the Origin of Species has been chosen as year zero because
* it caused most controversy between exponents of religion and science which continues until today (see Creationism)
* it explained the descent of man and other species for the first time in history
* the theory of evolution is considered fundamental for the new atheist movement
Calendar versions
The Darwin Era calendar is a non-profit open project. Currently darwinera.org offers
a freely downloadable calendar licensed under Creative Commons (cc-by) in print quality.
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