
Darudar is a social network about giving each other things and skills as gifts. It was launched in Russian language on September 22, 2008 by four friends who had previously worked with Habrahabr. They were inspired by flashmob phenomenon, Kropotkin's and Gandhi's ideas.
The social network is based on principles of self-organization. The mission of Darudar is to spread globally the social practice of gift-giving, to make it a daily and routine act. Words like “exchange”, “freebie”, “junk”, and “crap” are considered obscene on Darudar.
Basic concept of the community
Darudar users call themselves comembers (means "community members"). Darudar gift is a thing, skill of a comember that he/she wants to give away to someone. In order to offer a gift a comember creates a publication describing what he gives. Other comembers can wish it. Later the gift giver chooses someone to pledge their gift to.
Features of the service
The main feature of this gift-giving service is its mechanisms that enable people to choose who to give their things to. Thanks to these mechanisms things are distributed to be as useful for people as the things could be at the time.
Gift crossing
You can keep giving away the gift you have received and get involved into "gift crossing". All gifts involved into the gift-crossing have their own individual story. One can always see who gave this gift away to whom.
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