Darryl Levy Mobley Jr.

Darryl Levy Mobley Jr. is an American Football player. Darryl is from Danville, California and grew up in Austin, Texas. Darryl currently plays Quarterback for Dartmouth College in the Ivy League. Darryl's date of birth is August 3, 1997 and he has four other members of his immediate family. In High School, Mobley completed 72.3 percent of his passes and was awarded MVP at three football camps he attended. Mobley is listed on the official Dartmouth Sports Website at, 6 feet 2 inches (74 inches or 1.88 meters) and 190 pounds. Darryl also  briefly appeared on the show Friday Night Lights (2006). Darryl appeared on the show, as a 12 year old in the year 2010, before quitting and focusing on academics and athletics.
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