Curvy Words

A curvy words puzzle is a word game that can be similar to a word search puzzle (if the list of words are given). The object is to find all of the words that have been hidden in the puzzle. You may either be given this word list or the words may be hidden and you just need to find them on your own.
Starting at any letter in the grid you will draw a line from letter to letter. Once you have used a letter you cannot use that letter anymore for an individual word. Your line can move in any direction to another letter until you have built your word.
Word List given
You may optionally give the list of words to find. If you do this, the puzzle is similar to a word search with the additional challenge of being able to move throughout the grid of letters.
Word List NOT given
A very challenging option to the curvy words puzzle is that the word list is not given. Normally a time limit would be set and you would try to find as many words as you can within the puzzle as FAST as you can.
To make this option easier, sometimes a list of words with some letters and blanks are given. For example if "H __" is given then you know you will find a three-letter word starting with H. You can search through and find each letter H in the puzzle to see if you can find a word (such as HAT).
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