
Countryhumans or sometimes CountryHumans refers to a Russian Fandom based around characters portrayed as humans but with Sphere heads and a human body. It is based around Hatalia, an anime series, Polandball, an Internet meme created back in 2009 which the Countryhumans fandom is heavily based on towards Polandball due to it’s Spherical appearances, and Scandinavia and the World (2009), due to each character portrayed with human bodies.
Since it’s first appearance on the Internet in mid-2017 and later into it’s fame in the ending of the year 2018, the fanbase has had it’s subject and is well-known to Controversy due to it’s Romantic relationships between historical and Modern-day Countries.
Countryhumans has had many spinoffs including Planethumans, characters as planets, Socialmedia humans, characters portrayed based on Social Media applications, and Flagheads, which portrays characters with actual Rectangular heads based on the size of a countries’ flag.
As of today, the fanbase is on to celebrate Independence days, Historical events, and comedy. Many of these comics contains Politics jokes mainly between the Mexico-United States border, or use of Foreign relations between countries.
The term, “Countryhumans” (Country-humans) may been around since it was first used on the internet in 2014, three years before the establishment of Countryhumans. It’s unknown when the term was first used. Many users use the term, “Countrypeople” as another term for those who participated on the fandom.
Countryhumans originated came from Russia, but later went into English-Speaking sites where the fandom grew over the past years, and later into other languages such as Spanish and Chinese. Many circulated that the fandom was first started on the Russian site, VK, back in December of 2017, but others circulated that a YouTube user by the name of “Splinus” posted a Video titled “KinjaBang MEME (OLD)” on November 18, 2017, featuring Japan, China, South Korea, and North Korea, while the song “KinjaBang” by Troyboi plays on the Background of the video.
Beginning in Mid-2018 and later in the Beginning of the year 2019, the fandom would increase it’s popularity on Social Media such as Instagram, DevantArt, and on YouTube. The fanbase is popular in South America, due to Brazil and Argentina being known in the Fandom, Canada, Mexico, South Korea, and some countries in Europe.
Themes & Characters
Russia is represented from the fandom as the "main character" of the fandom partly due to the fandom being Russian and originally came from Russia. The character is represented by Artists as an Alcoholic, mainly because Russia consumes Vodka the most, making Russia the 4th Country to Consume Alcohol. Some can represent Russia as a Homophobic, because of how strict LGBT rights are in Russia, but in most cases would be later classified as a Homosexual due to its Relationships between the U.S. The Character can be portrayed as a Suicidal or depressed due to the Suicide Rate being a Social Issue in the country.
See Also
* Polandball
* Hetalia
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