Conker Pong


Conker Pong is an outdoor equivalent of the American game played in public parks and outdoor bars.


Being a game for noted for individual achievement, it is not a team game, it is every man for himself. No one really knows who invented the game, but it has been enjoyed for many generations all over the UK.


The premise is simple. Every player leaves their "Mass" of beer on the table. People bounce conkers off the table and attempt to land them in an enemy's drink.
If the conker lands in an enemy drink, a pre-agreed forfeit is imposed. Additionally the conker must remain in the drink until it is finished. There is no limit to the amount of conkers that can land in any one drink.
If you land the conker in your own drink, there is a more severe forfeit, usually downing the remainder of the beer.

Variations and Forfeits
The Munich Variation
Under Munich Rules, one bottle of per player is also placed in the middle of the table. Accidentally knocking a bottle (or more) over results in the bottle being placed into your Mass of beer by a neighbouring opponent. The only rule is the top is off the Obstwasser, the orientation of the bottle is at the discretion of the opponent. Again, there is no limit to the amount of Obstwasser in the Mass, save the practical volumatic strictures of said Mass.
Blocking a shot also results in a penalty downing (i.e. drinking the beer in one go).

The Disease Variation
Failing to shout "beer pong" before releasing a conker means that any resultant forfeit for an opponent (i.e. landing it in their drink) is nullified and the player failing to shout the 'beer pong' warning must perform the forfeit. Under the disease rules, instead of "beer", an illness or disease must be shouted before pong, e.g. "MRSA Pong". This is especially relevant if the conker has mould or fungus on it.

International Disease Pong

In its Munich inauguration in October 2007, cross-table international pong was played, with the resounding result that the Brits from Switzerland wiped the floor with Germans, Austrians and some other unidentifiables. A repeat is expected next year.
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