Christmas with the Yours

"Christmas with the Yours" is a comedy pop single by Elio e le Storie Tese, featuring lead vocals by Emilian soul singer Graziano Romani, credited together as Il Complesso Misterioso Also, on the second line quoted above, Romani uses the verb feel instead of hear - a possible ironical reference to a literal but wrong Italian-to-English translation, which recurs in several other lines.
:Presents for the good, coal for the bad,
:Proprio come diceva mia mamma!
*The Italian line above means "Just like my mom said!" and is sung by Romani in a forced North American accent, like the rest of his vocals. Black-colored, coal-shaped rock candies are traditionally given as a gift to "naughty" children at Epiphany, rather than Christmas.
:Christmas with the yours, Easter what you want,
:Peace between Blur and Oasis!
:Christmas with the yours, Easter what you want,
:Don't throw atomic bombs because it's Christmas time!
*The first line in the chorus is another intentional Italian-to-English mistranslation - in this case, of the well-known Italian proverb Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi [i.e. (Spend) Christmas with your family/folks, Easter with whoever you want]. The first half of the line is a literal word-by-word translation of the Italian original, while, in the second half, Elio (who wrote the lyrics) jokingly simplified the unmetrical "whoever" into "what". The chorus also mentions the feud between British bands Blur and Oasis during their 1990s Britpop phase, and, in the fourth line quoted above, it satirizes the notorious French nuclear tests on Moruroa, particularly the 1995 ones conducted by then-President Jacques Chirac.
:Panettone is on the table, and everybody's drinking Moscato
Panettone is the traditional Christmas cake from Milan. The first half of the line is a parody of "The book is on the table", one of the first English sentences which Italian schoolboys learning English are usually taught; the word Moscato, the name of , is pronounced as Moss-KAY-doh, again in a strong American accent.
:Go to buy a tree, but not a true tree,
:Because otherwise it would die-die-die-die-die!
:Panettone is on the table, but it is another one.
*All of the above lines are sung by Elio in a very non-English, exaggeratedly Italian accent (with hints of Milanese). In his first line, continuing with his intentional mistranslations, he sings true rather than real, then pronounces "die-die-die-die-die" as "dài-dài-dài-dài-dài", in the style of an incitation from a football head coach to players on the field (meaning c'mon, c'mon, c'mon... in Italian). Romani resumes his vocal on the following line.
:Infatti è quello senza canditi!
:Christmas with the yours, Easter what you want,
:Peace between Lino and Cecchetto!
:Christmas with the yours, Easter what you want,
:Don't drop atomic bombs, at least at Christmas time!
*Romani's Italian line above, meaning Indeed it's the one without candied fruit!, completes Elio's previous reference to "Panettone another one": it is both a slight satire of a 1995 holiday season advert, featuring comedy actress Franca Valeri, for a panettone without candied fruit which Veronese firm Melegatti had just launched at the time, and a jocular reference to the ensuing debate in Italy between admirers of Melegatti's new version of the Milanese cake and traditionalists, who viewed it as a betrayal of a long-established Christmas tradition.
*Graziano Romani (as Il Cantante Misterioso, i.e.The Mysterious Singer) - Lead vocals, rhythm guitar
*Elio (a.k.a. Stefano Belisari) - Co-lead vocal, backing vocals
*Rocco Tanica (a.k.a. Sergio Conforti) - Keyboards, backing vocals
*Cesàreo (a.k.a. Davide Civaschi) - Electric guitar, backing vocals
*Faso (a.k.a. Nicola Fasani) - Bass guitar, backing vocals
*Feiez (a.k.a. Paolo Panigada) - Percussion, backing vocals
*Curt Cress - Drums
*Unnamed DJs and broadcasters from Radio Deejay - Choir
*Claudio Dentes (credited as Il Produttore Misterioso, i.e. The Mysterious Producer, rather than with his usual pseudonym Otar Bolivecic) - Production
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