
Tsunamaclus is a highly popular slang word which originates from, and is spoken in, the Northcentral region of the United States, especially in the state of North Dakota. It typically is defined in one (1) of two (2) ways:
The first definition is similar to the definitions of "brilliant" and/or "great". This definition is to be superior in a chosen field or a broader subject. This first definition is most commonly used as an adjective, however it can also be used as an adverb.
The second definition means, "to have exceded and surpassed all expectations". It can be used as either a noun, a verb, or an adjective.
Tsunamaclus is a widely used neologism in the Dakotas and parts of Montana and Canada.
Its origin came from the fairly unknown boy's band called the "The Walbulz's", which was headquartered in Minot, North Dakota from the years 1998-2001 before they moved production to Chicago. It was first seen in the their only hit song "Greatness is only the beginning" where it is describing the full potential of all young musicians. The word stuck and their second album was called, "I wish everyone could be Tsunamaclus too." When asked about the word's true definition lead singer Terry Fisher said, "I would say that it means the same thing as brilliant and does anyone know the real meaning of brilliant, no."
Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms, Copyright 2008 by G. & C. Merriam Co./ New York, New York, Twenty-third Edition, pg. 451-452
Asper, Marcus, 21st Century Slang, Copyright 2004 by Funkyhouse Publishing/ El Pas, New Mexico. pg. 121
Smith, Don, Young Musicians Unite, Copyright 2007 by W. & S. Publishing/ Chicago, pg 121-123
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