Christian Bono

Christian Bono or yahya bono () In 1957 and in Freiburg of Germany,in Christian and Catholic family, was born. He was due to his father's job In Germany and Algeria lived to the age of ten. and Then to Strasbourg, France. Said he was willing to meet with Eastern religions in him and therefore studied the works in the field and numerous trips to Spain, Morocco, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and ... pay. He was familiar with French Muslim philosopher René Guénon and In 1979 With impact the work of René Guénon turned to Islam. Then in the field of language and literature studied Arab and Islamic Studies And at the works of Henry Corbin, who was introduced to the West became Shia mysticism.It was because of Ahmad Hampateh's guidance_ who was oa African gnastic and one of the Tijani's chain's head_ That Ahmad accepted shia religion And change his name into Yahya Alavi. bono got his Agarzhe's professor degree in 1978 And defensed his profession theisis as a theology in the philpspphic and mystical traces written by Ruhollah Khomeini at the sorborn university in 1995, witch was chosen as the years investigation in 1999. in order to compile his thesis, he come to Iran in 1991 and about 7 years favored to be in Allama Seyyed jalal al-addin Ashtiani's presence in Mashhad, on ground of islamic philosophy and Gnosticism. he dwelling in France for spending his high doctorate courses. he is investigation about " mollasadra's wisdom exaltation" answeing to sadroddin ghanavi's expectation. now, he is busy with compilation, translation, and interpretation of the holy Quran in french language.
Works and writings
* Islamic mysticism French, Paris 1991.
* Imam Khomeini the mystic unknown twentieth century French , Paris / Beirut 1997.
* Regulations of the Islamic Revolution (Selected Works of Imam Khomeini's statements on page 700) to French, 2003.
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