About Chaos Garden is a text based role playing game. It is played in real time and is completely human interactive. It is an online game played through Internet Relay Chat (IRC) on Espernet in channel #Chaos_GardenRPG. When the game is played, a "session" is established. Game Masters (otherwise known as a "GM") then judge movements and lead players through fictitious environments and battles. Chaos Garden does not make use of a bot or automated scripts to manage character statistics or battle results.
Chaos Garden is based around the medieval time period, making use of Swords and Sorcery for its main combative means. Players may request to have weapons and abilities to start out with that can be as creative as the player desires providing it fits in with the game's medieval time frame and is approved by the GM's. Compared to other role playing games, a character's stats are incredibly simplistic, choosing only between two categories - magic and physical. Of the two categories, a player may have some of both categories, or one or the other--the only restriction being that both categories must add up to 100%. Although it is based in medieval times, Chaos Garden does boast a magical piping system to allow for running water in some 'metropolitan' cities such as the game's main city of Retsaf.
Chaos Garden differs from other RPG's in that it is not turn based. This allows for more fluid and realistic movements and interactions between players. Ideas and scenarios come to the GM's through various means. They sample environments and items from a multitude of games and other fictional works, bringing the best of many worlds together in to one. Settings that Chaos Garden has borrowed from, include Zelazny's Amber decology, Zelazny's Azzie Elbub trilogy, numerous Japanese anime series, J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy, and text adventure games such as Zork and Eamon.
The game is named for and focuses around Chaos, a third entity in the eternal struggle between the forces of Good and Evil. Chaos is a faction that is said to be "Neither good nor evil, yet both at once." Like its counter parts Good and Evil, Chaos too has numerous Gods: Za, Ra, Qua, Na and Ka. Chaos' highest God is Za whom is quite a stunning and beautiful Goddess. She is the only deity thus far the players have interacted with. Along with Gods, each side has its messengers (such as Good's angels and Evil's demons). Chaos too has messengers which are deemed "Bringer of Chaos" or for short, BoC. Bringers of Chaos are often less powerful than their Good or Evil counter parts, and are mostly humans imbued with power given by the Chaotic Gods. BoC's also carry effects such as a deck of tarot cards that allow communication and transportation.
To counter balance Chaos, a fourth entity has been introduced: Stasis. Stasis is Chaos' polar opposite, just as Good and evil are opposites. Chaos Garden's struggles have been a result of the delicate balance between the four forces. Many of the struggles endured by the players were connected to Chaos, or to preserving their homes, town, or even world, from destruction by these various forces.
If you are interested in learning more about Chaos Garden RPG or would like to join, please visit our website, for further details!
Revival As of December 2007 the RPG is active once again, from a fresh start that intends to harken back to the first version of the game. Serving as primary Game Master is Steve_Restless, the villain Game Master is Espylacopa, and the secondary Game Master is Raiden. Two bots, "ChaosGarden" and "Imhotep" are being employed to handle purely book keeping matters, but all role play is handled by humans. This revival of the RPG is due in part to the upcoming 10th year anniversary of the first Chaos Garden RPG, created back when the main staff was all in high school.