Ceri King

Ceri King is a senior British civil servant. She is currently serving as the Deputy Clerk of the Crown in Chancery and Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council.
Privy Council Office
King is known to have served as Deputy Director of Corporate Services in the Privy Council Office in 2004 , until she succeeded Graham Donald (who was also Deputy Clerk) as Director of Corporate Services in 2006, a role she held until 2008.
In late 2007, she succeeded Christine Cook as Head of Secretariat and Senior Clerk under Judith Caroline Simpson, who had recently been appointed Clerk of the Privy Council. At this time she was not listed as a Deputy Clerk; only Meriel McCullagh held the disctintion during that time. She was appointed as Deputy Clerk in 2008, though as her recent predecessors she retained the title of Head of Secretariat.
Her responsibilities, at the start of her clerkship, included statutory health care cegulation, medical and financial institutions, royal colleges, the environment and ecclesiastical matters. Currently, they include Privy Council meetings, royal and Constitutional matters, amongst others.
She attended her first Privy Council meeting as Deputy Clerk in 2012. In recent times, she's attended regularly, either by herself or accompanying the Clerk of the Privy Council.
Ministry of Justice
It is not public when Ceri King succeeded Ian Denyer as Deputy Clerk of the Crown in Chancery in the Crown Office, but she was first seen at the prorogation of Parliament in 2017, reading the short titles of the bills granted royal assent. She was later seen delivering the Book of Returns to the Clerk Assistant of the House of Commons at that chamber's first sitting in 2019. During her clerkship (specifically starting from 2019), she has signed documents as Deputy Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, Head of the Crown Office and Registrar of the Peerage.
In September 2020, before the current Clerk, Antonia Romeo was appointed, Ceri King assumed the full position of Clerk of the Crown in Chancery in an acting capacity, which she held until at least December 2020.
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