
iMerit is an India- and U.S.-based data-annotation company.
iMerit employs more than 2,200 workers in nine offices around the world that label large amounts of data for industries including agriculture, autonomous driving, insurance, manufacturing, medical imaging, and retail. The company’s employees provide data-annotation services, such as transcribing audio files and identifying objects in photos, that assist data-driven applications including artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Employees may perform such tasks as analyzing video footage of automobile drivers’ facial expressions and eye blinks to determine driver fatigue, review voice recordings from smart speakers to understand language, or analyze satellite images of buildings and construction sites for risk assessment algorithms for insurance companies. iMerit's platform tracks each worker's performance and offers ongoing training. The company has achieved a 95% accuracy rate.
iMerit was founded in 2012 by former HP and Cisco Systems executives Radha and Dipak Basu. In 2015, the company raised $3.5 million from billionaires Michael Dell, Pierre Omidyar, and Vinod Khosla.
The company is known for employing people without formal education and providing technical training that helps raise them out of poverty. Nearly 52% of its workforce is made up of women, and many come from Indian families with incomes below the U.S. equivalent of $150 per month. They make up to 10 times what their families once earned.
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